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Six Simple Exercises To Help You Lose Your Belly Fat!

Reducing abdominal fat and muscle definition are usually obtained through an active lifestyle. The traditional exercises for these muscles, for example, the abs classics, are not always sufficient for rapid progress. Abdominal exercises performed with the inflatable ball are more effective than traditional abdominal sitting exercises, but it cannot help you lose belly fat extremely fast without adding other exercises. Try the following six simple exercises that will not only help you lose belly fat effectively but impact other important muscles for the abdominal area as well

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Six Simple Exercises To Help You Lose Your Belly Fat!

1. Training for the entire trunk

You start with an exercise that helps to work the muscles that are not in sight. Lie on your back and put your hands on your belly just below the navel. Exhale and let all air out of your lungs. Pull your legs up until they are perpendicular to floor. Hold the position for 5 seconds and then pull it down slowly. Repeat this 8-10 times for good results.

2. Navel reversed

Lay on the floor by using elbows supporting you. It is important that the arms are straight and aligned under shoulders. Keep your back straight and butt muscles tense. Pull your body up and hold the position for 10 seconds. Come to your beginning point.

3. Rowing the canoe

If you’re into water sports or kayak or canoe, you probably do not need exercises that help you lose belly. But if you aren’t, then you can mimic that exercise right in your living room. Sit up straight and spread your legs slightly. Keep your hands clasped as if in prayer position, and start “rowing” with them as you would in a canoe, moving your whole torso to the left while lifting the left knee to the right. Do alternating movement on each side with a total of 20 repetitions.

4. Pilates exercise for abdominal muscles

Standing with heels together and feet facing slightly to the outside, put your hands under the chin, with palms in tight fists. Keeping your arms attached to the body as much as possible; start kneeling until you no more. Hold the position for 5 seconds, inhale, then return to the original standing position. All lower abdominal muscles are worked by this exercise.

5. Drill down Crunches

Lie down flat on your back, put your hands behind your head and lift your body slightly to the abdomen. At the same time, raise your legs with your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Hips remain on the floor. Do 10-12 repetitions.

Stand straight & pull your arms up in sideways. Raise your right knee as high as possible and bring arms forward; curling them like you are giving a hug. Inhale and return to starting position. This exercise is most effective with 20 reps, 10 each leg.