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6 Quick & Easy SEO Tips

Implementing an SEO strategy is important for the success of your online endeavors. If you want your website to be found online, you need to implement SEO to help you. Without it, search engines will not rank you, and you’ll have a hard time reaching your target audience.

Unfortunately, many website owners don’t know the first thing about SEO, or they simply assume that it’s too time consuming or expensive to do themselves. The truth is, there are plenty of easy ways to implement a strong SEO strategy without wasting time or forking over a fortune to a dedicated SEO company.

If you want to implement SEO—and yes, you do—the following are six quick and easy SEO tips to help you get started.

1. Add meta tags to your website.

Meta tags are a great way to boost your SEO in an easy way. Ask your web developer to add meta tags to each page of your website. It’s best if these tags vary based on the web page’s specific content instead of using the same meta tag for each page. This way, the search engines will have a unique description of each web page, and they can use this information to better rank your website.

2. Use the right keywords.

Adding keywords to your content is extremely important for your SEO. Instead of guessing which words to use in your content, use the help of an SEO tool, such as Google’s Keyword Tool. This tool will help you learn which keywords for your specific industry are generating the most traffic, and you can use the information you find to tailor your content successfully.

3. Add an FAQs section.

Google recently changed their algorithm to focus on conversational content. Instead of changing out all the copy on your website, an easy way to boost SEO would be to add an FAQs section. Think of the questions your audience would be most likely to ask about your business or your products/services and add them to your site. This will give you more content, and it will better attract the search engines.

4. Add local content.

Search engines are now focusing on an individual’s location when providing search results, so it’s very important that you use local content on your website. This way, when a search is performed by someone in your area for the item or service you provide, your company’s website will be more likely to appear. Make sure your contact information is on your website, and feel free to add any other location-based content, such as roads or establishments you’re near. You should also join local directories, such as Google Places, to help boost your website’s visibility.

5. Add descriptions to multimedia files.

If you have images, videos or audio files on your website, you need to add descriptions to these files. Search engines cannot crawl through multimedia files on the front end, but they can crawl through the back end. Because of this, it’s very important that you add descriptions to each multimedia file that contains keywords and other relevant information. Again, this will help the search engines to better rank your page.

6. Transcribe multimedia files.

Another way to make multimedia files work to your SEO advantage would be to transcribe them. When you transcribe audio and video files and place the transcription on your website, the search engine will be able to crawl through the content and use that information to better rank your site. Plus, since audio files tend to use conversational tone, you’ll be killing two SEO birds with one stone.

Author Bio: Johan Olers is a resident writer for download 9apps And bobby movie apk